Thursday, March 22, 2012

Anti Malaria Campaign

February – June 2012

The 2012 summer Olympics will bring together nations worldwide and the Olympic torch will pass from bearer to bearer until it reaches its destination – travelling a route which traditionally has symbolized human achievement.

Beginning in February 2012, Faiths Act will spearhead a similar relay - between people of diverse faiths sprinting towards the UN’s Millennium Development Goal of zero malaria deaths by 2015.  And they will travel a path of considerable human achievement as they go. 

The Where’s The Net?campaign is a global interfaith initiative aimed at raising awareness of malaria and increasing the use of bed nets, which can protect lives. From February till June 2012, symbolic net displays will pass from person to person worldwide spotlightingpeople of diverse faiths and cultures uniting to take action to eradicate malaria by 2015. 

The India net will arrive in Delhi by March 15th, 2012.  It will carry stories of multi-faith collaboration while collecting messages of hope, blogsand photos along the way, which we’ll showcase on our website.  We want the nets to tell a truly global story of interfaith collaboration to prevent deaths from malaria – this is the story of real human achievement.

You have been selected to be a net bearer for this campaign as a proactive Face to Faith school in India. As a net bearer, your school will be one of the few places in India that the net will travel to – carrying messages of hope and interfaith collaboration. We request that you organize an activity to coincide with the net’s arrival at your school as innovatively as you can. Some ways to do this is:
·         Organizing a school assembly around malaria messaging with a drama performance by the students
·         An evening event with food for local school children and their parents focused on malaria awareness and messaging
·         An art competition for students on malaria transmission
·         A sporting event using the malaria net as a backdrop

Please keep in mind that these are merely suggestions – we would really like for you to make this event your own and to design any event that would showcase the malaria net and highlight the interfaith work that you’ve been doing.

If you are interested in becoming a net bearer, please reply to this email indicating the event that you would like to hold and the preferred dates of hosting the net. Please also submit a photo of your school along with a short description.

Please note that the cost of transporting the net will be covered by TBFF. In addition, participating schools will be profiled on the TBFF website (

With warm regards
TBFF India Team

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